Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mothers' Day and DHS Junior Prom 2010!!!

A few weekends ago, Justin, Marta, and I plotted with Annie and McKay to go surprise Mom for Mothers' Day. As I predicted, the little one ruined the surprise, but I give her props for not doing it until the day we arrived.

It was a perfect weekend. Annie and I woke up early to join Mom and her neighbor on a walk, followed by an intense game of tennis with Justin, Marta, Stafford, and Annie. After Annie left to pick-up McKay, Marta and I pulled it together and ended a great come-back by beating the boys 7-5. There are very few things in this world better than beating Stafford.

After some drive-thru DC's, we got ready and went to see Iron Man 2 with the fam. Pretty good flick, I must say. And since we were so close to Wegman's, Justin, Marta, and I joined Produce VIP Kevin Schmidt to pick up some supplies for Sunday's dinner. It was amazing to see him in his element. Dad owned that store.

We hurried back just in time to see Staff in all his prom glory. I think he was just a little embarrassed that Mom, Dad, Annie, McKay, Auntie Marta, and I all showed up at his friend's house to take pictures of our grown-up little boy. He looked great and so did his date. She had the best dress of the group, hands down.

Then Annie and I got in on the action. This picture says it all.

Staff went off to prom and we went home for ribs. At least we thought...we realized it would take too long to make, so we ordered take out at Chili's. C'mon, what's better than chips and salsa, tex-mex egg rolls, and CHILI's ribs?

Then, to top off the perfect day, we played a few games of Canasta while watching the Jazz game.

On Sunday, we hit up church and then came back to feast on an amazing dinner, made possible by Dad and Marta. Roast turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, balsamic asparagus, homemade rolls, and chocolate mousse with fresh raspberries for dessert. Yum!

Before I end this entry though, I must pay tribute to my wonderful mother. In the midst all the grief we give her and all the teasing she endures, we really do love her. In fact, as we dined, we also went around the table and offered up some thoughts on her respected strengths and qualities.

Possesses the desire to learn and serve.
Readily and lovingly welcomes others into her home.
Is a great teacher, voracious reader, scriptorian, and second mom.
Makes great meatballs.

Amen to all of these. Thanks for being a great mom, Mom.