Monday, March 15, 2010

Snow Dayzed and Confused

Snow days aren't as fun when you work from home. I seriously can't believe I decided this would be the year that I would take a break from teaching, the same year that kids got over a week in a row off from school. So jealous. My work never stopped. In fact, it was probably one of the busiest weeks I've had since I started my new job in July.

Oh well, at least I had Marta to keep me company. Both of us madly typing away on our computers, mumbling under our breath, and pulling out strands of our unwashed hair.

Justin braved three days into his office, but when he was home, he was feverishly putting together the Mandalay Bay sign, the Luxor pyramid, and the Ex Calibur spires - all part of the 2,000 piece "Vegas at Night" puzzle we so wisely purchased before Snomaggedon.

I finally finished the puzzle when the other two had to return to the work force, but I have to give full credit to them. Although I did, in fact, put in the last few sections, I had spent most of the time prior to that taking orders from the Puzzle Masters, like "I need dark blue pieces with specks of purple!" and "Find me the ones with things that look like windows!"

Although the snow was slightly exciting while it lasted, I'm so glad it's gone, especially since it ended up costing me my first trip to a shady towing lot run by a man that looks like he should be running a shady towing lot.

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