Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's a weird morning when I can't remember at least one dream, so this week, I decided to write down what I dreamed about each night. This is by no means a comprehensive list...sometimes I wake up remembering a dream and then fall back asleep again to forget is entirely.

But I thought it would be interesting to keep track and see if there were any similarities and running threads, and to see if any of them came true.

Believe it or not, I've had a few of those - the most recent being a dream I had about my sister-in-law Ashley pregnant with another boy. Turns out that she didn't even know she was pregnant at that point (it was only like a week in to the pregnancy), and she did end up having a little boy - Lincoln in February.

Okay, so here's a brief account of what I dreamed about this week...

1.) I had 2 college dreams. One was that I hadn't been to any of my classes, and it was finals time. I was trying to figure out what books I needed to buy to pass them.

2.) In another I was at some vacation house with my family, and I was supposed to drive south to meet up with my friends Marta and Liz but was trying to figure out a way to tell them I'd rather just fly home.

3.) I had to protect a younger, child-like version of Dakota Fanning from terrorists, who had killed her entire family. One of my amazing strategies involved folding her up and hiding her in trash cans.

4.) Annie was talking about trying to commit suicide by jumping of a 2-story balcony. I remember looking up at her and telling her I was going to catch her. I also remember that she wasn't trying to kill herself because she was depressed - it was because she was bored and looking for something to do. When I got her down, she came into where Sam and I were hanging out, evidently in a Mexican restaurant. And Sam said, "She'll be fine. She loves Mexican." Sam was right - as soon as she heard the Mariachi band playing, she was fine.

5.) I remember a little side dream that somebody was jealous of me because I was able to have lunch with my friend, Kim, everyday.

6.) Oh and another side dream, I was making cake for people and needed cream cheese for the frosting. Alas, it was one of those frustrating dreams where there wasn't enough cream cheese, and people were starting to leave, and I was trying to convince them to stay because this cake was amazing. I then started brainstorming ways to stretch the was with corn starch.

7.) Another dream included something of a high school reunion. I clearly remember seeing Callie and Megan, two girls I graduated with, and talking to Allyson and Ryan (two others). I ended up skipping this mentor class I was supposed to go to, but explained to the woman in charge that I didn't need to go because I wasn't going to be teaching next year.

8.) In the final dream I remember, I was sitting at a table with Justin (I think), and we saw our friend Kate and her sister getting tattoos.




  1. wow. i am very impressed! i can never remember my dreams unless i tell them to someone the second i wake up. but i do remember this one:

    i dreamt i was helping aaron smyth run his ironman last week -- but the weird thing was the running section (a mile) took place in a kitchen, where you had to run relay around the island in the middle of the kitchen. so i was running the relay with him, and we only dropped the baton once. i was nervous that my right leg was getting stronger than my left because it was on the outside of the turns (???). anyway, we got really dizzy, and then a former coworker of mine showed up, so i peaced out to go talk to her, then we dove off the world's highest diving board.


  2. I can't believe I'm just now reading this! These are hysterical! I love the one about Annie and Mexican true.

  3. I can't believe I'm just now reading these comments! A-MAZING dream, Amber, and yes, so true about Annie, Ashley!!
