Monday, December 27, 2010

A Little Light Reading

Every once in a while, I find Justin like this.

But these days, he's got a new favorite to read, Your Pregnancy Week by Week, as evidenced by this picture. So cute.

I know this is old news to everyone, but yes, we are pregnant and so excited. At this point in time, (since I'm such a slacker on blog entries) I'm exactly 33 weeks along and definitely in the home stretch. I feel like I've been pregnant for a long time, but I really can't and shouldn't complain.

It's been somewhat of a challenge to get to this point, (we surely weren't able to get pregnant right away), which makes this experience all the more special. From month to month, we waited, and finally, on June 6th, we found out we were pregnant. It was actually really cool because it wasn't confirmed until Justin's birthday on the 8th. (See the birthday dinner post below to see if we had that baby glow yet:)

The surprises weren't over yet, and 22 days later, we found out we were having twins. Double the blessings!! I don't think Justin and I slept a wink that night, as our minds poured over our future. Two of everything! Boys or girls, or one of each? Do we have the room? What risks are involved?

We decided to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell anyone, in hopes that the worst would be behind us by then. Luckily, my morning sickness was mild, (the worst I experienced was nausea and fatigue) but it felt like time was just trudging by.

We finally told my parents on August 16th and Justin's family during our trip out West. It was such a thrill to see their faces when we revealed it was twins, and I know these little babies will have tons of adoring fans when they decide to show up.

Our guesses on genders were eventually put to rest on September 7th when we were told that two boys were coming our way. Two boys!! Justin was obviously super excited, as was I after I started to become okay with the idea that I know absolutely NOTHING about boys! The doctors are pretty sure they're fraternal though, so it will be quite interesting to see not only what they look like, but how different their little (or big) personalities will be. Either way, I pray they will be best buddies for life.

The pregnancy has continued along pretty well, actually very well. There haven't been any complications, other than having to take additional iron supplements, but I really can't complain. I look twice as big as anyone else who's pregnant and move twice as slow, but I guess that is to be expected.

It's been such a crazy, out-of-body experience, but I'm really so happy, and we feel so blessed. In fact, it still doesn't feel completely real, even though I've been feeling their cute little feet kick me since September 26th. And I most certainly can't deny that there are two real bodies inside of me at this point, when I can literally see my belly shift in two different places at once as they egg each other on and team up against me and my organs. So sweet.

Despite all we've read and all the advice we've been given, we still have no idea what we're getting ourselves into. This is going to be a real game-changer, but I can say with a surety that we love our little Maxwell Rhees and Beckett James and can't wait to meet them.


  1. I love the names you guys have picked out! So cute! I can't wait to see their little faces. It's good to hear that your pregnancy has gone well and that you are feeling pretty good! I'm working on a package for the boys now, hopefully it gets to you before they come! Love you guys.

  2. Thanks, Meg! You're the best! So far so good....I really can't complain. We miss you guys too! Hopefully we'll get to see you soon! BTW...loved the Christmas card/letter and pic. We both can't believe how big Tru is! Crazy! They grow up so fast!
