Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I never thought I'd do this...

But I am...(Thanks, Whitney, for inspiring me and letting me know that I can do a "Married" blog without being so "Married". ) Let me just state - my husband and I are not perfect. We rent an apartment that doesn't have a disposal. We don't go on awesome vacations, because we still have awesome student loans. And even though we serve on the Emergency Preparedness Committee in our ward, we probably couldn't survive for more than a week on our canned tuna, corn, and warm water. (Make that two weeks...thanks Mom and Dad for the box of Beef MRE's.) Now, if that doesn't make you want to read, I don't know WHAT will!

I know the title of this blog sounds like some Trekky civilization, but it actually came about when my former students realized they could combine our last names and still make a real word. Brilliant. It was also the only way they could remember my new last name. At least now, if they mess it up, they say "Schin" instead of "Lin", which is much better than when they slipped before ("Schidt" instead of "Schmidt").

I haven't even told Justin that I'm starting a blog. Maybe I'll break it to him when I tell him he's going to be posting on a blog. Maybe we can strike a deal: if he posts, I'll officially change my name. I don't know why it's taken me so long. Maybe because 15 year-olds have a hard time with change, or maybe because I make excuses and am just really lazy. Either way, that's my major goal this summer, along with getting the mail everyday and flossing my teeth at night. No joke. I really want to be consistent with these things.

We'll see how long it lasts.